[ExI] Lee Corbin Memorial Details, Sunday Oct 16, 3PM PDT

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Wed Oct 12 03:33:31 UTC 2016

>Lee Corbin was not just a truly unique mind, but 
>a beloved friend and a huge influence on so many 
>of us. We'll be celebrating his life at a 
>memorial service open to all who knew him.

I remember Lee. We weren't close but every year 
or so for decades we'd take a topic offline. We 
had a lot in common that we never took the chance 
to explore. The trouble with the immortalist 
perspective is you always think there's more time.

On chess, Lee was a Life Member of the USCF. His 
last rating (from 1990) was 2207, which is just 
over the mark for USCF Master. That's good enough 
for the new lowest FIDE rung, Candidate Master (CM).


I think nearly all the Bostropians who'd known 
him have moved away, or gone beyond the rim 
except for me and Mike Lorrey. But I will, at 
least, raise a glass on Sunday at 6 PM EDT — to 
Lee, and then to our other absent friends.

May we see them again, one way or another.

-- David.

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