[ExI] Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thought

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 16:14:09 UTC 2016

Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thought
October 13, 2016



In analysing the data the team looked more than 13 billion years into
the past. This showed them that galaxies are not evenly distributed
throughout the Universe's history. In fact, it appears that there were
a factor of 10 more galaxies per unit volume when the Universe was
only a few billion years old compared with today. Most of these
galaxies were relatively small and faint, with masses similar to those
of the satellite galaxies surrounding the Milky Way.

These results are powerful evidence that a significant evolution has
taken place throughout the Universe's history, an evolution during
which galaxies merged together, dramatically reducing their total
number. "This gives us a verification of the so-called top-down
formation of structure in the Universe," explains Conselice.

For a minute I was worried that this means it would take me ten times
longer to visit them all, but apparently as we are looking into the
past they have now merged down into a much more reasonable number.
(For a big definition of 'reasonable').


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