[ExI] Space Decentral: A decentralized autonomous space agency

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 13:59:18 UTC 2017

On 15 April 2017 at 07:24, Giulio Prisco  wrote:
> Thanks for your $0.03!
> In general, everything that can be done one way can also be done another
> way. I totally agree with "BC is just technology, not to be mistaken for
> complete solution. In a DAO the people are obviously the very top, software
> and hardware they use are just tools, and blockchain glues it all together."

This may be relevant. Blockchain usage seems to be spreading.

Blockchain 2.0 – using the blockchain for purposes other than simply
register the movement of funds. The purpose of Creativechain is to
allow digital creative works to be registered one time and become
indelible – permanently the property of their creator or owner, in a
provable way. From a financial standpoint, there are several possible
utilities here, chief among them allowing creators to get paid
regardless of who or where their content appears.

Now, if they can only make sure Bitcoin wallets cannot be hacked........
The Large Bitcoin Collider Is Generating Trillions of Keys and
Breaking Into Wallets
Apr 13 2017, 10:22pm
The LBC has been working for just under a year. So far, Rico claims,
the project has generated over 3,000 trillion private keys and checked
them against existing bitcoin addresses to see if they work, and has
found three that do and contain bitcoin.


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