[ExI] Speed of light

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 11:15:26 UTC 2017

On 27 April 2017 at 00:05, Keith Henson wrote:
> I have commented on this topic before and wrote an article for H+
> magazine on the problem.  It is now turning up in other places
> https://theoutline.com/post/1424/hawaii-s-online-gaming-curse
> Doctors doing remote surgery are also mentioned.
> A mind spread out to 100 ms is going to think 20 times slower than a human.

Surely that depends on the design of the 18,000 mile wide brain?

If the entire structure has to be communicated with in order to reach
a decision, then yes, it would have a slow reaction time.
But, like humans, some automatic reactions could be incredibly quick.
The edge intelligences would deal instantly with 'simpler' problems
(still complex by human standards) while passing data into the giant
central processors for more thorough processing.

A brain the size of a planet should be able to optimize itself so as
to not cripple its thinking processes.


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