[ExI] Eternime aims to keep a digital version of you alive

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 11:41:46 UTC 2017

On 25 April 2017 at 10:47, BillK  wrote:
> Sounds like you don't use popular social media very much.
> Facebook, Twitter, etc. are propaganda channels to demonstrate how
> wonderful your life is and what a wonderful human being you are.
> That's why research finds that the more people use these social
> mediums, then the more unhappy they get. Everyone seems to be happier
> and better than they are. You have to get really good at spin and
> disinformation to be successful there.



A social media user is winning the game of life through regular online
status updates. Charlotte White, 26, has been providing copious
evidence of a vastly superior lifestyle, destroying all competition in
the process. Her Facebook statistics are exemplary including a 93%
like-to-friend ratio, zero negative comments and an average of 25
‘love’ emoticons per post.

‘I can’t keep up,’ said friend Claire Smith. ‘It’s just an avalanche
of high-quality life experiences encompassing travel, relationships,
work, sport and profound cultural insight. She shares inspirational
quotes too, which really get me thinking. Last weekend, she climbed
Mount Kinabalu, whereas I drank wine in my pyjamas all day until I
passed out. Bitch.’

I'm not on Facebook, but if I was..........    :)


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