[ExI] evolution
Dave Sill
sparge at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 20:48:04 UTC 2017
On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 3:49 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> That is their real color however.
A good example of structural color.
This is a perfect example of why I wanted to have BillK’s entomology
> program running on my phone.
> Comment from the Wiki site:
> >…Although tiger beetles are not gregarious
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregarious>, many beetles may sometimes be
> seen in one suitable hunting area. The female lays her eggs in sandy
> patches, and the larvae <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larva> burrow into
> the ground after they hatch. Here they lie in wait until small arthropods
> pass by, at which time the larvae lunge out of their burrows at their prey
> like jack-in-the-boxes…
That reminded me of antlions...until I watched the video.
That would be cool to see. Had I known that, I would have looked around
> for a sandy area and arranged for a small arthropod to pass by.
> Here’s a video of what they are calling the emerald tiger beetle, which is
> really a better name methinks. Beetles generally don’t dart about, but
> this guy does:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94wh7k87Vhs
> Here’s a video of a larval campestris nabbing an ant. Blump:
> http://www.arkive.org/green-tiger-beetle/cicindela-
> campestris/video-09.html
> Cool!
Holy smokes, is that thing fast!
> Now, every time you see something like this, does it not make you marvel
> at our good fortune to have been born late enough in history that we have
> all this cool stuff right in front of us? We don’t even need to hike up
> into the mountains as I did to get the original photo. Just click and
> devour all that cool information.
Yeah, we have libraries and librarians in our pockets.
Life… is… goooooood…
There's still plenty of suck to go around, unfortunately.
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