[ExI] Dark mass = FTL baryons?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 13:02:01 UTC 2017

On 17 August 2017 at 13:17, Stuart LaForge  wrote:
> BillK wrote:
>>Perhaps I am being too simplistic, but wouldn't this imply that dark
>>matter existed beyond our light cone?
> Yes, exactly that.
>>If dark matter only exists
>>beyond our light cone we could expect to see gravitational effects at
>>the edge of our visible universe affecting galaxies near the edge.
> We do. There is the phenomenon of dark flow.
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1010.4276v1

I thought dark flow was still speculative, with the research still
being argued about?
The Great Attractor appears to be normal (but large) gravitational attraction.

Even if dark flow exists, (with some speculation around that it could
another universe touching ours), you still have to think of an
explanation for why dark matter beyond our visible universe is
concentrated in that one direction and not evenly spread around the
edge of our light cone.

>>Whereas research seems to indicate that dark matter permeates our
>>visible universe and is clustered around our galaxies. We can even map
>>the areas where dark matter must be.
> Yes, it is also much closer tucked inside and around our galaxies as well
> but it is still outside our light cone. Remember that you can never see
> the present moment. Light travels 30 centimeters or about one foot in one
> nanosecond. Point at something nearby estimate the number of feet to it,
> that's how many nanoseconds into the past you are looking. Something can
> therefore be very close and still be outside your light cone for short
> periods of time.
> A dark matter woman could be passing within 5 feet of you at faster than
> light. She wouldn't be very dense because she would have the same 50 kg
> mass she does in her reality only in this reality it is spread diffusely
> along a noodle around 75 light years long. She doesn't appear to move but
> she only lasts for a nanosecond. You would have no way of detecting her.
> She would have no way of detecting you. In her reality, you are the dark
> matter and she is just doing her thing.
> Think of being a Flatlander and having a very long wire drop through your
> plane horizontally and the wire can pass straight through stuff. You would
> have no way of seeing it.
> I still have to hash out a lot of the math but that's the quick of it. As
> they say, the devil is is in the details.
> Stuart LaForge

Agreed that dark matter detection is a worrying problem for scientists
and they hope it may lead to new physics being discovered. But
particles from another universe travelling faster than light through
our universe may be a step too far!  :)


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