[ExI] civil war denial

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 16:09:35 UTC 2017

On 19 August 2017 at 15:58, spike66  wrote:
> Sheesh just trying 2 inject a bit of humor for an eclipse chasing trip which
> threatens 2 turn into a fiasco on the order of the 2016 elections.  It took
> us 3 hrs to go the first 8 miles out of bay area.  Now the skies r smokey
> and they say a bunch of gas stations out there can't supply demand oy vey
> evolution have mercy.

Yea, I saw that Oregon was predicting huge traffic jams. Then I saw
that there were lots of wildfires that caused some roads to be closed
and some campsites were also being closed.

Check for road and fire updates.
Hope you make it OK!


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