[ExI] FW: trump
Dylan Distasio
interzone at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 18:47:37 UTC 2017
Or maybe we don't trust a guy like Clapper who lied under oath about spying
on the citizens he pledged to protect. Maybe the US intelligence
community is one of those symptoms...
On Aug 25, 2017 1:42 PM, "John Clark" <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 9:36 AM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Trump is a symptom. Treating the symptom is pointless.
Doctors can't cure many
s so they treat the symptoms, and that id far from pointless.
> >
> You have to fix
> the disease.
Yeah yeah I know I've heard it all before, we've got to totally change
civilization from top to bottom; but guess what, that's not going to happen
in the next 3 1/2 years. But a nuclear war might.
James Clapper
has worked under all presidents from
John F. Kennedy through Barack Obama
and for almost 8 years was head of all the 17 intelligence agencies of
the USA, and he worries about Trump's access to the nuclear codes:
*“I really question his ability to be — his fitness to be — in this office.
In a fit of pique he decides to do something about Kim Jong Un, there’s
actually very little to stop him. The whole system is built to ensure
rapid response if necessary. So there’s very little in the way of controls
over exercising a nuclear option, which is pretty damn scary.”*
And if you're not as scared as James Clapper then you just don't
understand the situation.
John K Clark
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