[ExI] Forbidden Words
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 15:58:06 UTC 2017
Apparently in honor of George Carlin's famous Seven Words You Can'r Say On
Television the Trump administration has ordered The Centers for Disease
Control, not to use seven words in any official documents… John K Clark
The FBI has a list too. They are not allowed to use “grossly neg*ligence".
*Is it only me, or does our gov. more and more resemble a religion? "We
are faultless and the other side is all wrong." How is that different from
'Our God is the only true God?" I'd say the Republicans since I don't hear
much of anything from the Democrats. If community values clash with
science, then science is wrong. And there is no one to tell them different
- they have the power. Scary *
*bill w*
On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 9:33 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *On Behalf Of *John Clark
> *Subject:* [ExI] Forbidden Words
> >…Apparently in honor of George Carlin's famous Seven Words You Can'r Say
> On Television the Trump administration has ordered The Centers for Disease
> Control, not to use seven words in any official documents… John K Clark
> The FBI has a list too. They are not allowed to use “grossly negligent.”
> spike
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