[ExI] Dark Energy and Causal Cells
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 16:40:05 UTC 2017
Just an opportunity to appeal to those who prefer
dogma to discovery. Feel free to share the good news. stuart
You have just described a big difference between conservatives and
liberals. Conservatives are motivated mainly by fear, and what is the best
cure for that? Certainty. Which dogma gives. More religious, more
irrational. bill w
When experience fails, as it often does when environmental changes are
sudden and unexpected, hopeful foolishness is not a bad fallback option.
>From an evolutionary perspective that is. stuart
It makes me wonder how depression because so entrenched in many people,
because what they tend to do in a crisis and sit and worry and feel bad.
There are actually some psych studies showing that unwarranted optimism can
be a very good strategy. A false confidence is better than no confidence,
which breeds inactivity. Fools, as you say.
bill w
causal cells - what? (I googled it and got nothing) If you have followed
my posts over the few years I've been around,and sometimes, notably, the
absence of them, you realize, with a wry smile, that you have left me
entirely in the dust with your explanation of multiple mes. What I want to
know is just who or what is putting together all these infinite
possibilities? These legos. The proverbial monkeys? I don't buy the
argument that if it can happen, it will. Does the universe have nothing to
do but sit around and make copies of me differing only by one cell? bill w
not through but will send for the nonce
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 7:16 PM, Stuart LaForge <avant at sollegro.com> wrote:
> BillW wrote:
> > It is possible that my statement was misinterpreted. I was speaking >as
> if
> > I were the common person who wants certainty.
> Misinterpretation or not, it was the perfect opportunity to answer you as
> if you were the common person who wants certainty. No slight intended to
> you or anyone else. Just an opportunity to appeal to those who prefer
> dogma to discovery. Feel free to share the good news.
> > Yes, there are plenty of fools around - casinos aren't lacking for
> > customers, eh? Like second marriages - the triumph of hope over
> > experience.
> When experience fails, as it often does when environmental changes are
> sudden and unexpected, hopeful foolishness is not a bad fallback option.
> From an evolutionary perspective that is.
> > But - I have no idea why the concept of infinity is tied to other
> >copies of
> > everyone. Or fate. Stuart ???
> A fair question. It is a mathematically provable statement that the power
> set of a finite set is also finite. Potentially very large but still
> finite. This is true even if the original finite set is a subset of an
> infinite set.
> To put it in layman's terms. Imagine that causal cells are like boxes of
> Legos with atoms being the bricks.
> The small black holes are like small boxes of Legos that only contain a
> few hundred bricks. The larger causal cells, like our observable universe,
> are like very large deluxe Lego sets with several thousand bricks.
> Obviously you can build many different things with either set. But you can
> build a larger variety of things with the larger set. If N is the number
> of bricks in the set, then the number of possible structures that can be
> built with that set is on the order of 2^N.
> If you took an infinite number of 1000 piece Lego sets and gave them to an
> infinite number of children who were unable to communicate with each other
> or combine Lego sets, the infinite children, would simply by chance build
> every possible structure(s) composed of 1000 Lego bricks.
> In fact, every possible structure would be duplicated an infinite number
> of times even if only 1 in 2^1000 children have identical Lego structures.
> That is simply a property of infinity.
> In the case of our causal cell, with approximately 10^80 atoms, that is an
> incredibly large number of possible structure(s) but nonetheless you are
> one of those structures.
> And given an infinite number of finite causal cells, all with the same
> laws of physics because they are all in the same infinite universe, you
> are guaranteed to show up in every possible variation of your life, an
> infinite number of times. No different than Legos.
> Does that help you understand?
> Stuart LaForge
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