[ExI] Weird!? - He's not on Facebook

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 14:42:40 UTC 2017

I'm 26 years old and want nothing to do with social media



People use social media for arranging events a lot, and I probably do
miss out sometimes. But it doesn’t really bother me. If someone can’t
find the time to send me a quick text, or drop me a call, then they’re
probably not that interested in me being there.

Also, I read George Orwell’s 1984 at an impressionable age, and the
idea of being under constant surveillance terrifies me.
When the Snowden story broke I felt many things, but not surprise. The
idea that intelligence agencies like USA's NSA (National Security
Agency) can just tap into the information social media companies have
about me – that’s not something I’m comfortable with.

It’s become normal for everyone to judge each other based on their
social media profiles, and I think that creates pressure to conform.
It encourages people to create an ideal online version of themselves.
But it’s not real.

Often, when you go out, you see everyone’s eyes fixed on a screen.
There’ll be groups of friends doing nothing but taking and posting
pictures, instead of actually having a good time together. Something
is being lost there.


I wonder if the revival of 1984 will reduce the popularity of posting
everything on Facebook?


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