[ExI] huxley etc. postscript GOV

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Feb 5 21:31:00 UTC 2017



​Who do you think the Repubs would rather have in office?  T or Pence?  I am betting on Pence.​  Billw



Ya think?  Of course they would and so would I.  And I am not even a Republican (I was at one time.)  But think about it, neither is that guy who ran and won, thinly disguised as a Republican.  The party met with him after he won the nomination and came away reporting that he knew nothing about their platform and zero interest in learning it or promoting it.  They were already lost before the competition even started, but think about it: the Republican party started to fight slavery.  It won.  But that was a long time ago.  What is it fighting now and why?  Repeat questions with its mainstream opponent party.


My prediction: he will be out before next year’s super bowl contest.  If so he will leave a weakened office of the presidency in the mirror and an empowered congress.  There might be a downside to that somewhere, but I don’t know what it is.



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