[ExI] Universal basic income
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 00:16:03 UTC 2017
A better solution would be to hook those farmers up with food processors
who will take non-retail-grade peaches to make, for example, peach jam or
peach pie. adrian
I don't think they had the jam choice. Why didin't they just let the
pickers take them home? Rules, stupid rules.
Anything better than dumping them on the ground - the Dept. of Agri. used
to have a program that distributed cheese and dehydrated milk to the needy
- another example of using overage.
bill w
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2017 2:33 PM, "William Flynn Wallace" <foozler83 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> re Spike's point about giving away food:
> Thousands of tons of food, such as peaches, are dumped on the ground to
> rot because they don't meet the association's standards for retail sale.
> The people you would give them to would not buy fresh peaches anyway, so it
> can't hurt the market.
> Transporting them from the many distributed fields where they grow, to
> wherever the homeless are, costs a nontrivial amount of money. (This is on
> top of harvesting the reject produce.) In fact, transportation is one of
> the larger portions of the cost of food.
> (Even if you moved the homeless from city centers to a field, they would
> only be at that one field, so you'd still need to transport from the other
> fields. There are far more fields than honeless. This is merely the
> simplest reason why moving the homeless to fields is generally not a viable
> solution.)
> A better solution would be to hook those farmers up with food processors
> who will take non-retail-grade peaches to make, for example, peach jam or
> peach pie.
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