[ExI] Am I the only one freaked out by this?

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 02:55:51 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 4:51 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

>  ​>…I think cancelling or annulling the results of the 2020 presidential
>> election could cause some people to take up arms…
> ​> ​
> This is widely misunderstood.  The Electoral College reports to congress
> who won the election, who validates the result and advises the Supreme
> Court, who swears in the next POTUS,

​Yes that's what the constitution says, but it's not a law of nature, as
everybody will soon understand all too well the constitution can be

> ​> ​
> regardless of what the former POTUS declares.
> ​But that's not what the man in 70 ton tank right over there says, he says
Trump isn't the former POTUS at all, he's just the POTUS.  I have a feeling
the tank man's opinion will come out on top
​ in that debate​
, and I doubt it will be because of the eloquence of his arguments.

> ​>​
>  Unless the former POTUS can arrange a military coup, which I consider
> highly unlikely,
> ​A year ago I would have said the idea of a
military coup
​ was utterly ridiculous. I would't say that today. ​

>> ​>​
>> …How about cancelling the first amendment?
> ​> ​
> The government cannot legally cancel the first amendment.

​Trump isn't interested in legalities, he's interested in what he can get
away with.  ​

>> ​>​
>> …How about *NOT* cancelling the accelerating wealth gap?
> ​>​
> The government cannot legally cancel the accelerating wealth gap.

​If government has the power to tax they do.​

John K Clark
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