[ExI] Greener Urban Environment

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 16:52:43 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 11:20 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> We are still missing one big ingredient before this paradigm completely
> dominates college level education: getting laid.  OK two big ingredients: a
> uniform objective system for credentials, a degree equivalent system
> perhaps, one that covers both those who go the traditional route of
> education and those who use the online resources, as well as those who do
> both the online education and get laid.  The person or company which
> successfully figures out how to do a useful and universal credential system
> will make a cubic buttload of money.  Oh it makes ya hurt just thinking
> about all the filthy lucre to be made here, ooooh a good hurt it is.
> Suggestions please?

Traditional higher education controls the granting of degrees and they
won't be keen on putting themselves out of business.

I think we'll need some kind of skills testing system like the
certifications used in the IT field. E.g., Red Hat's Certification program:


If you hire a Red Hat Certified Engineer, you know you're getting someone
who can manage your RH servers. If you hire someone with a BS in Computer
Science you don't know that.

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