[ExI] trump's hormones

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Jun 9 16:04:43 UTC 2017

>... On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
Subject: Re: [ExI] trump's hormones

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 7:24 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>>... I am astonished that any state or 
> district ever allowed those.  Of course they are going to get hacked,

>...With paper ballots, you simply make substitute ballot boxes with the
same voter numbers (or whatever "make sure this person voted" measure is in
place), and burn the real ballots.

>...Or simply change the count that is declared, to amounts that brook no

What if we have a system that scans the ballots realtime and puts up digital
images on a public site?  The voter could keep a receipt with ballot number,
then check it at any later time to verify it hasn't been modified.


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