[ExI] voting
Dave Sill
sparge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 20:58:23 UTC 2017
On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 7:44 PM, Christian Saucier <csaucier at sovacs.com>
> Zero Knowledge Cryptography to the rescue! The Zcash team has written a
> nice piece about it: https://z.cash/technology/zksnarks.html
> "Zero-knowledge proofs allow one party (the prover) to prove to another
> (the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any information
> beyond the validity of the statement itself. For example, given the hash of
> a random number, the prover could convince the verifier that there indeed
> exists a number with this hash value, without revealing what it is."
> This could be applied to the statement "I Voted" or "I Voted for Cthulhu"
> without having to reveal who you are.
Or use a blockchain:
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