[ExI] non-physician heal thyself

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 13:42:58 UTC 2017

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mike Dougherty <msd001 at gmail.com> wrote:

> You already hold the sum total of human knowledge in the palm of your
> hand.  Soon that device will be shipping with the AI necessary for your
> feeble human brain to actually find and consume the relevant parts of that
> total knowledge.  The AI doctor will see you now.  It will have also seen
> you in all the moments preceding now.  It will continue to see you in all
> the moments after.  Your treatment will be voluntary, of course, but the
> cost of non-compliance will likely be higher than you want to incur.  Since
> the device is your menu, your waiter, and your wallet... you will be very
> effectively "cared for" by the device.
> ​-----

​Now what would really make this a wonderful new reality is that if I could
prescribe my own drugs.  This is an immense power physicians have over all
of us.  I realize the abuses could be horrendous, but maybe we could start
with an AI recommending some treatment and giving the OK to a druggist.
And leaving out opiates and some others.

Say start with metformin - truly a wonder drug (Google it!), but taking it
without signs of diabetes is off-label use and all we can do is ask for it
from our physician​.

bill w

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