[ExI] bio-body spike creates cyber-zombie spike
spike66 at att.net
Thu May 11 19:48:01 UTC 2017
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of BillK
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 12:24 PM
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Subject: Re: [ExI] bio-body spike creates cyber-zombie spike
On 11 May 2017 at 15:32, spike wrote:
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-can-now-imitate-any-human-voice-just
> -one-minute-training-terry
> > I want something that can take my voice into software and express awe
> and amazement at the newer technologies to come which my bio-body
> won’t be able to appreciate, as well as come up with a terms less
> redundant than “bio-body” and less morbid than “cyber-zombie.”
>...I think 'avatar' would work. Maybe 'persona' ? Look up definitions and synonyms for more suggestions.
Put the voice inside one of the new handsome sex robots and it would be really lifelike.
No Jose! As soon as they put my digital persona and voice into a handsome sexbot, the whole illusion would be shattered! Those who know me would soooo not think it was me any longer, damn.
However, if we can make a handsome sexbot, we aughta be able to create a tall geeky bony one, ja?
Funny aside on this: my father in law is deeply fundamentalist religionist. I was trying to explain cryonics to him. Being from the northwest, he knows what happens to flesh when it gets frostbite, and besides, why just the head, what good is just a head (and so forth.) I explained that cryonics people don't think the flesh will be reanimated, but rather the connectome will be mapped and simulated on a computer, perhaps put into an android of some sort, a C3PO-like device perhaps.
This sent him off on another tangent: what if one lives an exemplary life but is not particularly attractive and doesn't get any serious temptation as a result (note: for the really hard-core religionist, the temptation to commit adultery is really the only serious temptation there is. Reasoning: the other stuff is dangerous and illegal. You and I aren't really tempted to rob the local convenience store, or even to slay some bastard who desperately needs it, and blasphemy isn't all that much fun anyway. So adultery is the biggie for a lot of people, and fornication is adultery in that view of life, even if both are unmarried.)
OK then, you are a nice guy, generous, kind and good, religious, but you just don't have that appeal, you weren't given that gift in life. Perhaps you are boney or you have crooked teeth or flabby buns or you are microscopic or whatever have ya, no serious temptation presents itself to commit the fundamentalists' one serious temptation. So you don't. Imagine. It isn't hard to do. For some of us. Dammit.
OK then, suppose the cryonics people perform miracles, you wake up, still the same nice guy, generous, kind and good, but now... they have you in this marvelous body, chiseled muscles head to toe, straight teeth, tight buns and oh my, look at that. So now that one serious temptation you never had before is now wanting your attention bigtime. But you never really developed any powerful resistance to that one in your bio-life because you never really needed to (dammit.)
So what if your robo-zombie self just can't keep the nubile maidens away, so beautiful they are, so numerous, so eager. If one's robo-zombie commits adultery, does that count against the bio-precursor in Judgement Day? Or since it is just a machine sorta, then perhaps it is one of those things that... well... perhaps you would have fallen to temptation in your bio-life had you been constructed like that, but you weren't so you didn't and all is well?
He wouldn't sign up for cryonics. But I will. I won't worry if my robo-zombie is built with actual muscle and sex appeal.
Now is that a weird tangent on this discussion or what? ExI somehow promotes delightfully weird tangents.
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