[ExI] tabby's star dimming again
Stuart LaForge
avant at sollegro.com
Mon May 22 05:09:46 UTC 2017
Spike wrote:
> It would unless they want to avoid advertising their presence, ja. It
> could go either way: they could use vectored entropy exhaust as a signal
> beacon, the Horton Hears a Who argument.
Well if they had good designers, it could be adjustable, just not pointed
our way.
>> ...Furthermore, like you mentioned, perhaps they have some ingenious
> technology that enables them to harness heat energy too. If their
> thermodynamic efficiency approached 1.0 then, we might have to look for
> radiation with frequencies downshifted to near CMB levels...
> Stuart I am going to stand down on that comment for now until I can do
> some calcs.
Ok, I am looking forward to hearing about them.
>> ...A good test for this possibility would be to overlay the position of
>> KIC
> 8462852 with WMAP data. If they are dead smack in the middle of a
> hotspot, then that cranks my Bayes-o-Meter up a few probability points on
> the alien hypothesis.
> Now you're thinking! Good show, me lad.
Is this something you could do? Didn't you used work on WMAP? Do you still
have access to the data?
> Why here? What were we doing 1300 years ago that would attract their
> attention?
Because we are a yellow star similar to theirs and within their reach.
Nothing personal, they just want our rocky planets, metals, rare earth
elements, and the like as part of a von Neumann probe diaspora. Think
dandelion seeds not an invasion fleet.
> But I digress. Previous measurements of Tabby's star suggest an
> asymmetry in the leading edge of the dimming vs training edge.
Yes, you can see the asymmetry in these graphs of the data:
Interestingly, Solorzano shows that the asymmetry of the flux curve fits
really well with the Monod equation, at least in previous brightness
drops. The Monod eauation is from biology and describes the growth of
microorganisms like bacteria or yeast. Do you you think it is a
Stuart LaForge
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