[ExI] More news from LIGO on October 16

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 02:38:32 UTC 2017

 Rainer Weiss
​ who just won the Noble Prize for detecting gravitation waves said LIGO
will have more news very soon: ​

*"The gravitational​ ​ waves are interesting, and the fact that you can
directly detect them is important, but the real payoff is going to be in
the future​.​ It's already happened, in some regards, and more of it will
happen on October 16. I won't tell you what it is, but I can tell you that
there is more there, and I think there's another whoop-de-do arranged for
that. And I urge you to go to it, because the announcement is actually very
interesting. But I won't say any more than that."*

​John K Clark​
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