[ExI] dirty secrets of capitalism?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 22:23:20 UTC 2017

>From The Week:

by Rana Foroohar  NYT

Lending to Main Street (not sure I understand all of the metaphor)
comprises 15% of the business of the big NY banks.  The rest 'exists in a
close loop of trading' and corporate deals that works solely to enrich the
already rich.

The financial industry provides 4% of America's jobs and takes home 25% of
the corporate profit pie.

When I first got a job teaching at a college I walked into the local bank,
locally owned and asked for a loan to buy a car.  My loan officer, the
president, asked his secretary for the paperwork, filled it out and told me
to call when I knew what I was buying.

No history of my finances required.  All he knew was that I taught at the

Do we even have local banks any more, so that we can take our money away
from the big banks that use our money to play games with it?

Does this dispel the myth that if you raise taxes on the rich you hurt
their ability to create jobs, trade, factories, etc.?

bill w
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