[ExI] how hard was it to see this coming?
Adrian Tymes
atymes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 17:44:44 UTC 2017
This is barely even news now. We've known about this for years.
On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 9:16 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/12/voting-machines-can-be-hacked-without-evidence-com/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push
> Stunning testimony: Voting machines can be hacked without a trace of
> evidence
> By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 12, 2017
> The country’s voting machines are susceptible to hacking, which could be
> done in a way so that it leaves no fingerprints, making it impossible to
> know whether the outcome was changed, computer experts told President
> Trump’s voter integrity commission Tuesday.
> The testimony marked a departure for the commission, which was formed to
> look into fraud and barriers to voting, but which heard that a potentially
> greater threat to confidence in American elections is the chance for enemy
> actors to meddle.
> “There’s no perfect security; there’s only degrees of insecurity,” said
> Ronald Rivest, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
> He said hackers have myriad ways of attacking voting machines. “You don’t
> want to rest the election of the president on, ‘Maybe the Wi-Fi was turned
> on when it shouldn’t have been.’”
> He and two other computer security experts said bar codes on ballots and
> smartphones in voting locations could give hackers a chance to rewrite
> results in ways that couldn’t be traceable, short of sampling of ballots or
> hand recounts — and those work only in cases where there’s a paper trail.
> Andrew Appel, a professor at Princeton University, said it would be easy to
> write a program that cheats on election results and deletes evidence of the
> hack as soon as the results are reported.
> The analysts didn’t point to any specific election that they knew had been
> compromised, but they said hackers likely would leave fingerprints only if
> they wanted to be spotted and hurt confidence in the U.S. electoral system.
> “To ignore the fact that the computers are completely hackable and to try to
> run elections, as some states do, where they entirely rely on the word of a
> computer program on who won is entirely irresponsible,” Mr. Appel said.
> The revelations stunned members of the Presidential Advisory Commission on
> Election Integrity, which was in New Hampshire on Tuesday for its second
> meeting.
> “I’m sufficiently shaken,” said Ken Blackwell, a commissioner and former
> secretary of state in Ohio…
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