[ExI] heart attack while alone

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Mon Dec 31 18:09:31 UTC 2018

Bill Wallace wrote:

> cough CPR should only be performed under strict professional supervision.
> Hard to have that when you are alone.  Frankly if I thought I was having
> a heart attack, had called, stopped in the road, whatever, I would do it
> just in case.  Nobody said it was harmful, did they?  I would pray to
> every god who ever was named, including Chango.  There is no superstition
> that I would not try.  Including voodoo.  Let's see, just where did I put
> my Voodoo Bible?

The first thing you should do when you feel the symptoms of a heart attack
is CHEW AND SWALLOW a full strength 325 mg aspirin tablet. Since most
heart attacks happen in the morning, it might make sense to keep the
bottle near your bed.

Lots of good sources on this so take your pick. Here is Harvard:


Stuart LaForge

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