[ExI] Mailing list issues

John Klos john at ziaspace.com
Thu Jan 11 03:09:22 UTC 2018

Happy 2018, all!

It has been an eventful year so far, and it has barely begun. Meltdown and 
Spectre vulnerabilities have kept me very busy throughout.

If that weren't enough, it seems that some spam engine has decided to 
target extropy.org. For several days we've been getting a few million spam 
delivery attempts per day. At some point, mailman (the software which 
handles the mailing lists) fell over and died.

I've restarted it and the lists should work, plus I'm collecting all the 
information I can to see if we can narrow down the issue that causes 
mailman to die so we can fix it. In the meanwhile, I'll keep a closer eye 
on mailman to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Feel free to email me directly if you have any questions or concerns, or 
if you notice any issues with email.

Thanks very much,
John Klos
I don't know which scares me more - that people adhere to the idea of an
omnipotent being powerful enough to create the universe, but whose
supposedly most cherished creation is a race modeled after himself which
can't stop hurting and killing each other, or the idea that those same
people cannot or will not consider the possibility that the universe is
random and unfeeling, and it's up to us to create order and beauty out of
chaos and entropy.

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