[ExI] Why the 2008 crisis ended capitalism and democracy
Colin Hales
col.hales at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 23:57:01 UTC 2018
There's only a debt because a bunch of people believe a bunch of numbers in
computers are real.
Just stop believing it. Job done.
Before: rocks, trees, flowers, stuff.
After: *same* rocks, trees, flowers, stuff
What's changed? NOTHING except a bunch of beliefs are gone.
Wanna render a billionaire penniless? Just stop believing they have money.
We all believed it to them. That's how they got it. So just stop believing
they have any. Unbelieve it.
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 8:45 PM, SR Ballard <sen.otaku at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's one thing that I don't understand about national debts. Why are
> they even a thing?
> Suppose you have 2 countries.
> Country A owes B $1M
> Country B owes A $2M
> Why can't Country A and B just "trade" their imaginary debt to each other,
> so that A owes nothing, and B owes $1M?
> Country A owes B $1M, owes C $2M
> Country B owes A $1M, owes C $1M
> Country C owes A $2M, owes B $2M
> Country A has $3M in debt and is owed $3M
> Country B has $2M in debt and is owed $3M
> Country C has $4M in debt and is owed $3M
> Couldn't A and B swap $1M in debt; B&C swap $1M in debt; C&A swap $2M in
> debt
> Then A would have no debts; B has no debts; C has $1M in debts to B...
> I mean, I understand that governments tend to owe "themselves" or their
> citizens money, but surely something similar could be done?
> I mean, If I owe my Uncle 500 dollars, and he owes my aunt 400, and my
> aunt owes me 300...
> My aunt gives me 300
> I Give my uncle 300 (and still owe him 200)
> He gives my aunt 300 (and still owes her 100)
> So couldn't I just say, oh, nevermind on that 300, then I owe him 200, and
> he owes her 100? Because even if we all pass around $1, that's eventually
> where we will end up... if we just subtract the debt, it's like we passed
> around that dollar, but really, really fast.
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 7:41 AM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is the global economy just a giant debt scam? What the financial elite
>> doesn’t want you to know
>> Yanis Varoufakis saw power up close. He says capitalism is dead,
>> democracy is crumbling and we’re ruled by debt
>> Andrew O'Hehir June 9, 2018
>> <https://www.salon.com/2018/06/09/how-the-greek-debt-crisis-
>> exposed-the-global-economy-as-a-giant-con-and-led-to-donald-trump/>
>> Quote:
>> What was the cumulative global result of all these processes? Do you
>> really need to ask?
>> Is this where we get back to Trump and Brexit and the rise of
>> authoritarianism and right-wing nationalism around the world? It is.
>> Varoufakis sees all those things as clearly connected and part of an
>> unmistakable backlash. After mainstream politicians had cynically
>> transferred those billions of dollars in banking losses onto ordinary
>> people both in America and Europe -- magically combining the high
>> taxation of social democracy with the austerity state of free-market
>> capitalism -- they then pretended to be baffled by what happened next.
>> The political movements that benefited from this climate, as
>> Varoufakis puts it, were those fueled by racism and xenophobia, "the
>> right-wing monsters that breed in the environment of deflation."
>> Establishment parties then "wondered why it was that the discarded
>> people from our neighborhoods and villages and towns turned against
>> them and decided to vote for somebody that peeved them, annoyed them,
>> just in order to get back at the establishment that had discarded
>> them. Great wonder, isn’t it?”
>> ---------------------
>> This is a long article, but well worth reading, as it explains a lot
>> of the world weirdness.
>> BillK
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