[ExI] IQ scores are falling and have been for decades

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 22:08:50 UTC 2018

Or don't compare IQ scores between different times, when they have
been normalized for different generations.  If people got super-smart
relative to their parents, then the IQ scores were adjusted so they
became the new norm, of course the measured IQ scores would drop
during that adjustment.

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 1:31 AM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> IQ scores are falling and have been for decades, researchers say
> Posted: Jun 13, 2018
> <http://www.azfamily.com/story/38416066/iq-scores-are-falling-and-have-been-for-decades-researchers-say>
> Quotes:
> IQ scores have been steadily falling for the last few decades, and
> environmental factors are to blame, a new study says.
> The researchers suggest that environmental factors -- not genes -- are
> driving the decline in IQ scores, according to the study published
> Monday.
> Norwegian researchers analyzed the IQ scores of Norwegian men born
> between 1962 and 1991 and found that scores increased by almost 3
> percentage points each decade for those born between 1962 to 1975 --
> but then saw a steady decline among those born after 1975.
> Similar studies in Denmark, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Finland,
> and Estonia, have demonstrated a similar downward trend in IQ scores,
> said Ole Rogeberg, a senior research fellow at the Ragnar Frisch
> Center for Economic Research in Norway, and co-author of the study.
> "The causes in IQ increases over time and now the decline is due to
> environmental factors," said Rogeburg who believes the change is not
> due to genetics. "It's something to do with the environment because
> we're seeing the same differences within families," he said.
> These environmental factors could include changes in the education
> system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online
> more, said Rogeberg.
> -------------------------------
> The obvious solution is that the internet generation say "Who needs
> IQ? Just Google it." Or, alternatively, peer pressure directs people
> to conform to their friends on Facebook and spend their time on social
> trivia.
> BillK
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