[ExI] Interesting statistic

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 13:47:29 UTC 2018

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 5:36 PM BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:

> *if it is just the total number of votes that is used the result isthat
> one area of the country gets the right to decide how the otherarea should
> be governed.*

There is simply no way to get around that, in no form of government can
everybody get their way. However it would be possible and would be nice if
the area of the country the tells the other area what to do be the larger
part. But in the USA that is not the case, the minority of the country gets
to tell the majority of the country who will be the President, who will be
a Senator, and even who will be a member of the House Of Representatives
which is supposed to be the most democratic but due to gerrymandering isn't
very representative or democratic at all.  And by the way, in the USA the
minority that has the power also happens to be the least educated.

Note: When I said "suposed to be" I mente according to the Constitution.
But as a practical matter the Constitution means whatever the Supreme Court
says it means, and now that it's full of the president's toadies and the
chief law enforcement officer of the land the Attorney General (the new one
that looks like Curley in the 3 stooges) is also a Trump stooge the
Constitution is not going to protect us.

*>It could lead to breakup of the UK or secessions in the USA.*

If a minority in a country feels they are being treated unfairly that can
cause some political instability, but if a majority feels that way it will
cause vastly more.

 John K Clark

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