[ExI] [exl] Effect of National Geographic on Sexuality?

SR Ballard sen.otaku at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 16:03:53 UTC 2018

Now I always heard jokes, growing up, about how before the internet people used to buy the National Geographic magazine. And I thought it was just a joke. But it was mentioned on list a little while ago, but less as a joke and more as a fact.

Did this legitimately happen? 

And if it’s as widespread as the joke suggests, what effect do you think it had on the sexuality on the generation (2 generations?) of men who purchased these magazines?

Do you think it lead to an interest in inter-cultural marriage? Or a dehumanization of the cultures featured? Or something else? Or no real difference at all?

Are there studies done about it like we have studies of the effects of HD steaming internet porn?

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