[ExI] From Arms Race to Joint Venture
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 15:17:18 UTC 2018
You should assume that I know little about AI (as if that weren't already
obvious). But it seems that it excels at things that involve tremendous
counting: chess: as many moves ahead as possible, all countermoves
considered. No human can do this past several moves. Piece of cake for AI.
Now here is what I would like to see an AI do: feed it several studies in
some area like physics, or even psychology, and ask it to come up with
reasonable hypotheses (as judged by humans, of course) about what
experiments to do next. No counting at all - just abstract reasoning.
When it can do this it can take over science, right?
bill w
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 9:22 PM Zero Powers <zero.powers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 11:46 AM William Flynn Wallace <
> foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> To Zero: I am a social psychologist who occasionally throws a wrench
>> into the tech discussions going on, and tries to get others to discuss the
>> form the future humans will take, without much success. Joined about 5, 6
>> years ago. 76 and not dead yet. Hi!
> Hi Bill. Nice to meet ya. Glad you're not dead yet. Hope you manage to
> stay that way as long as you like!
> To you and John C - AIs are idiots. No, they outthink us by orders of
>> magnitude. Which is it? How are you using the word 'thinking'? Faster,
>> is, of course, a given.
>> bill w
> "Thinking," particularly in this context, is simply information
> processing. And depending on the context, AI's both out-think us and they
> are idiots. In their narrow domains they do outstrip us by far. It is
> doubtful that any human will ever again stand a chance against AI in chess,
> Go or Atari video games.
> But, for now, we have the machines beat by the breadth, or generality, of
> our intelligence. I can play chess and poker and basketball. I can drive a
> car, and write music and poetry. I can apply laws to a set of facts and
> make a convincing legal argument. I can empathize with my wife when she's
> had a bad day and make her feel a little better. Algorithms, perhaps, can
> be written to do any one of these functions. But so far no algorithm, or
> set of algorithms, can be written to do all of these functions. That level
> of generality, for now, remains the exclusive domain of homo sapiens. But
> the days of our reign atop the general intelligence hierarchy are almost
> certainly numbered....
> *0**0*
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