[ExI] experiments on privacy: was: RE: privacy
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 17:21:24 UTC 2019
Good. I am busy with garden workers today but will think about it. What
else I want to know is how did they get your email address?
>From Google?
bill w
On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:23 AM <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> *From:* spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
> >…BillW of course if you shop online for anything, you will be pummeled
> mercilessly for weeks by purveyors of that product. Nothing particularly
> creepy about that: the reason the WWW grew and prospered is that there are
> skerjillions of ways to hawk one’s wares there. So there was a lotta lotta
> money behind its explosive growth. Cool!
> >…What I want to know now is if one enters the name of a product into the
> Google line without hitting Return, will it figure out what I was looking
> to buy? I have a Google window open right now. I enter “Wool sweater for
> sale” but I did not hit Enter. I will leave it there for a few minutes,
> then delete it without ever entering any site or search list. Then I will
> see if I get wool sweater spam. spike
> OK cool, it’s what I already knew: if you Google on something you want to
> buy, your ad-driven sites will send you ads for that. No mystery, that’s
> how they make their living and why they give you free information on stuff
> you care about, no problem. I entered wool sweater for sale, a few minutes
> later accidentally hit return, OK we know what happens. Then I entered
> Pickup truck tires for sale, didn’t hit return, didn’t get ads (so far.)
> OK no surprises.
> Now I want to find out how much the great internet marketplace can learn
> from my Google searches and my clickstreams, and I want to repeat the phone
> hotspot experiment, see if I can replicate what happened before. It might
> have been a coincidence, or the phone might have figured out my location
> (near one of the biggest wind generation areas) and sent me ads based on
> that, guessing that I went there to see the turbines. I might even be able
> to explain the hoodie ads that way too: I was near-ish to some textile
> mills. Shrugs.
> Here’s what we should do: design some experiments find out what the market
> can find out about us.
> Ideas?
> spike
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