[ExI] Update on the Hawaiian observatory shutdown

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 19:51:42 UTC 2019

Goddamn this is the most virulently autistic conversation I have read in a
long time.  Couple that with old people who think they've earned the
privilege to be really, really annoying, and don't understand why their
repeated annoyingness could possibly be met with resistance.

Clue: the content of what you are saying does not matter.  Your tone is
unproductive and foolish.  You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
This is vinegar though, it's fucking bile lol.

Older adults especially have no reason you can't hold a conversation for a
few minutes without degenerating into complaining and asinine name
calling.  You are the SAME as Trump.  Fueled by spergy resentment and
entitlement, only able to hear your own voice.  Maybe have a brief stay at
charm school.

Picking fights for no reason but I assume some kind of inner insecurity
that craves validation.  To a point where even those who agree with you are
attacked for seemingly no reason except that their opinions aren't 100%
carbon copies of yours.  This is not really discourse.  It is Trumpian
obstinacy at it's finest
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