[ExI] new neurons

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Apr 12 18:33:38 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ExI] new neurons


By keyboard do you mean a Clavinova or similar?  I have the top of the line Yamaha and it sounds like a grand piano (or any other instrument you can think of).  In fact I sold my grand piano when I bought it.


bill w



BillW, my comment isn’t about pianos, but you inspired it with your observation.


When Kurzweil came along we could make a hell of a good sound with those electronic keyboards, which can be weighted to feel just like a grand and sound better in a way: they can be perfectly in tune.  If you really go in for the expensive ones, they can even resonate nearby pitches the way piano strings do.


We know how much room a grand piano takes in a house.  Those electronic keyboards take up only a fraction of that space, never need tuning, and two fellers can easily move one, so they are better in that sense.  Being in an area where floor space is absurdly expensive, I tend to focus on footprint.


How many examples can you think of where modern technology has allowed us to pack more tightly and do so comfortably?  Camera gear used to be suitcases of specialty lenses, now nearly all obsolete, with a camera in your phone the smaller than the eraser on a standard number 2 pencil.  The computer has obviated the filing cabinet for the most part, and bookshelves, both bigfoot obsolete systems now.


Because of improved technology, we can now pack tighter more comfortably.



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