[ExI] atheists/religion
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 14:47:45 UTC 2020
> It ain't nothin' but bigotry, folks. Either way.
I agree. But I didn’t say anything negative about atheists. I said that I
think they are sad, and therefore I feel sorry for them. giulio
You don't realize that that is patronizing? Wake up! YOu are saying that
atheists are missing something wonderful, hence are sad, and so you feel
sorry for them. Maybe you should consult a dictionary to find out what
'patronizing' means. You clearly do not understand.
What I am missing is believing in a lot of fanciful superstitions and
living my life in a fantasy world where I believe anything that makes me
happy. I would characterize that as something very negative, but that
would be patronizing. To take something on faith means that you will
believe it no matter whether it makes sense or whether there is any
evidence for it. Oh , wait, you don't believe in evidence. You believe in
fantasy. bill w
On Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 9:26 AM Giulio Prisco via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On 2020. Aug 2., Sun at 15:57, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> I think for anyone who follows a religion, to characterize atheists as
>> anything negative is patronizing.
>> I think for anyone who is an atheist, to characterize people who follow
>> some religion as anything negative is patronizing.
>> It ain't nothin' but bigotry, folks. Either way.
> I agree. But I didn’t say anything negative about atheists. I said that I
> think they are sad, and therefore I feel sorry for them.
>> bill w
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