[ExI] next county
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 22:50:28 UTC 2020
The virus has quite a few effects on the body. Isn't it probable that a
person dying of something else would not have died if he didn't have the
virus? That means the combination killed him, not just the virus and not
just whatever he had. In other words, perhaps the immune system was
bill w
On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 5:10 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *John Clark via extropy-chat
> >…Spike, this is not an abstract discussion about philosophy this is a
> matter of life and death; do you really think you have the expertise to
> tell all the epidemiologists and statisticians on the planet how to do
> their job…
> John K Clark
> I don’t know if I answered your question John. I don’t need to tell
> epidemiologists and statisticians how to do their jobs, for they already
> know: never throw away uncertainty caveats in data.
> I do urge that every site reporting covid fatalities carry the caveat
> offered at the collection level: these are patients who died WITH Covid-19
> but not necessarily die OF Covid-19. So, just carry the caveat all the way
> up in these terms:
> Covid-19 fatalities herein did not necessarily die of Covid-19.
> Now isn’t that simple? Just carry those 9 words all the way up.
> Statisticians know to do this. Engineers and scientists know to do this.
> Doctors know to do this. They don’t need me to tell them.
> spike
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