[ExI] weird tangent: RE: URLs (was: Re: statins bad? again? sorry - I did not know where to cut it off. bill w)

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Aug 12 18:38:20 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] weird tangent: RE: URLs (was: Re: statins bad? again? sorry - I did not know where to cut it off. bill w)

>>>…To each their own…

 >>…I am considering seeking profession help to get over this. 

>…Sorry, I'll put a trigger warning on it next time….


{8^D  Hey, it isn’t easy.  I am in constant fear from the popular clamor to defund the grammar police, oy vey.


>…Also, for the record, I was not using it to be inclusive of the entire alphabet of genders, I just wanted to use the plural…


To save the useful meme, I modify it a second time and say “To all, their own.”


I get a lot of strange looks.  But I am used to that.  If not for strange looks, I would get no looks at all.





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