[ExI] my apologies mister whidden!

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Aug 14 14:26:44 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat

> Whelp.  My humble apologies Mr. Whidden:
> https://twitter.com/capeandcowell/status/1293949729345339392
> Now the rest of the story doesn’t seem as implausible.  Details available on request.
> spike
> _______________________________________________

They've been on television.
And they have their own website.




Shows to go ya: every outlandish sounding story is not necessarily false.

I found where I think Mr. Whidden grew up.  If you go into Google maps, hit Cape Canaveral Florida, go to satellite view (how satisfying is that name) then go up to the northern-most launch pad, 39B.  Find road 402 to the north and a place called Happy Hammock appears if you zoom in (aint it crazy cool to be able to do this from your own home?)

If you look almost due west of pad 39B, about 500 meters south of 402, about halfway between the airstrip and the pad, that looks like the remains of a small town that would fit Mr. Whidden's description of the place where he grew up.  He said it was an easy walk over to the beach, that there were fishing holes everywhere with fresh water, that the Indian River was nearby, which is brackish water, which has its own fishing available (some types of fish thrive in brackish water.)

If so, the first experimental rocket launches happened from a site east of pad 39B, shortly after the war.


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