[ExI] Everett worlds
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 16:06:52 UTC 2020
On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 11:37 AM Giulio Prisco via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> There is no room for free will with any interpretation of quantum
>> mechanics, or in classical mechanics, or in anything, because the idea of
>> free will just makes no sense. Something either happens because of cause
>> and effect or it doesn't happen because of cause-and-effect (aka it's
>> random)
> *> I question this point (aka it’s random). What if the cause is hidden to
> players in our universe*
If something caused you to do X rather than Y then you're a deterministic
machine regardless of whether you know what the cause was or not. So like
it or not there are only two possibilities, you're either a roulette wheel
or a cuckoo clock. The idea of free will is not wrong, the idea of free
will is worse than wrong, it's gibberish.
Incidentally, we know from experiment that Bell's Inequality is violated,
therefore we know for a fact that if an atom of Uranium decays now and not
an hour or a century from now because of hidden variables those hidden
variables can't be local. But if the universe is not local it's very hard
for me to understand why we've been so successful at explaining so many
things about it, it seems to me we would have to understand everything
before we understood anything.
John K Clark
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