[ExI] The ugly Neanderthal

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Wed Dec 9 19:17:27 UTC 2020

On 2020-12-08 23:19, Rafal Smigrodzki via extropy-chat wrote:
> "The Goodness Paradox" by Richard Wrangham offers the opposite 
> perspective - Neanderthals were untamed, violent, reckless and 
> dangerous. We know that because their skulls do not show signs
> of the domestication syndrome. [...]

I recently enjoyed that book.

I wonder: if you were to repeat the Belяev fox experiment, but selecting 
for some irrelevant feature of the domestication syndrome (e.g. white 
spots) rather than for tameness, would tame animals result?

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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