[ExI] the science might be wrong

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 12:47:58 UTC 2020

On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 at 03:49, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> We often focus on whether government has the authority to enforce a lockdown, but that is only part of it.  There is no scientific consensus on whether lockdowns are effective, and if they are a good idea.
> California has shut down everything and mandated masks whenever one leaves one’s house.  I do ignore that one I freely admit, but compliance is about 70% I would estimate.  Today we had a surge of cases unforeseen to date.  Perhaps the lockdown has caused people to stay indoors more, which I have long suspected is harmful.  As in New York, we are questioning if the lockdowns might do more harm than good.
> Dr. David Nabarro, World Health Organization’s Special Envoy on Covid-19:  “…We really do appeal to all the world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other, but remember, lockdowns have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
> So… we might be debating government authority, while the government is recommending a course which does more harm than good.
> spike
> _______________________________________________

One of the best explanations I've read.
>From the American Institute for Economic Research
Long article, but worth reading.


The Decimal Point that Blew Up the World
Jeffrey A. Tucker – December 16, 2020 Reading Time: 11 minutes

Another statistic that bears repeating, Covid – based on infections vs
deaths – has close to a 99.9% survival rate. Imagine how the world
would have been different had Fauci told that to the Congress on that
fateful day of March 11. Or what if Fauci had revealed that the
average age of death from Covid would almost equal the average
lifespan in the US and exceed it in most parts of the world? People
present might have wondered why they were holding hearings at all.
What we know is that a terminological confusion, a misplaced decimal
point, a one-word error in data description, and a massive amount of
arrogant presumptions about how to control a virus set in motion a
series of events that turned our great and prosperous country into a
disaster of confusion, demoralization, foregone medical services,
closed businesses, wrecked arts and education, and long bread lines.
The lockdowners who created this appalling disaster, the people who
turned our trust into betrayal and a blizzard of statistical baloney,
need to look at the science and data as they stand and come clean.

Brilliant writing!  Crystal clear explanation.


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