[ExI] the science might be wrong

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 20:35:29 UTC 2020

On Thu, 24 Dec 2020 at 17:41, John Grigg via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> And yet despite the relatively benign nature of Covid compared to some
> other viruses, 326,000 Americans have died of it, including over 3,000
> healthcare professionals and a grand total of around 1.7 million worldwide.
> It may not seem like many, unless a loved one of yours was one of those who
> perished from it. And keep in mind that a fair number of Covid survivors
> may have permanent damage to their brains or other organs. I have known
> enough people to get nailed by it, that I feel like an invisible boogieman
> is stalking the Earth.
> I agree that the lockdowns are bad in that they cause financial
> suffocation for many people, especially the poor, and small businesses. For
> a long time, the powers that be seemed oblivious to this fact. And our
> politicians, such as human scumbag Mitch McConnell, have not done their
> part to properly help struggling average Americans. The current stimulus
> package is far less than it should be.
> I think in the future we need intelligent leadership/control at the
> federal level, rather than letting each state decide how they want to
> respond to a growing pandemic. And despite the fact China/CCP sat on their
> hands for three weeks and let Covid infect the world, we need to examine
> how they managed to successfully control and eliminate the disease outbreak
> from their nation.
> I can't get over how so many people want to be the rebel and not wear a
> face mask properly when outside their home. Or think social distancing is
> just asking too much. I hope we can globally learn from the many mistakes
> made in handling Covid. Because if there is a next time, and there probably
> will be, we could face a much more lethal but equally contagious virus,
> which leaves tens of millions dead.
> And I hope somehow, someway, the CCP is punished/disciplined for letting
> the Covid virus get out of control and terrorize the world. They knew what
> was going on at the top, but they chose to sit on their hands and be
> concerned about appearances, rather than taking strong swift action to stop
> Covid from becoming a global menace. The U.S., Europe and the rest of the
> world should seize Chinese owned assets in their nations, as a form of
> reparations for the massive economic losses and the lost human lives.

I guess the Chinese initially thought it wasn’t such a big deal and the
problem would go a away without anything special being done. Many people,
including many on this list, including many in Government, are STILL saying
this despite observing everything that has happened almost a year later!
How can the Chinese be blamed for being insufficiently prescient?

> --
Stathis Papaioannou
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