[ExI] Political Relativism

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Thu Dec 31 10:54:16 UTC 2020

On 30/12/2020 22:30, bill w wrote:
> As for military service, I have always liked Heinlein's idea:  after 
> high school a two year commitment to service.  It could be military, 
> or Peace Corps (does that still exist?  Haven't heard of it for a long 
> time), or some other payback, as he says, to the country that provided 
> a free education.

Well, that's an idea that deserves consideration, but only once the 
country in question actually does provide free education!
(by which I mean higher education, not the basic education which every 
country needs to provide. There's no argument to 'payback' that, it's 
already in a countries interest to give its citizens a basic education 
(reading and writing, etc.), otherwise it wouldn't be compulsory).

Ben Zaiboc

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