[ExI] you'll never see this again

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 18:12:36 UTC 2020

It's hard to see the light at midnight, isn't it?  bill w

Personally I find the US political situation to be unsalvageable. So I try
not to worry about it and make myself ill.

SR Ballard

On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 1:10 PM SR Ballard via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> The governor maybe doesn’t have the “right” but he will have the PoPo fine
> you $250, so that’s whatever.
> And uh, amandment 10 says, “The powers not delegated to the United States
> by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
> the States respectively, or to the people.”
> Soooo, I think that means the governor (you know, in charge of a State)
> can mandate masks because I don’t think the state is forbidden from making
> sure people don’t kill each other... no one ever seemed to think TB
> quarantine was unconstitutional.
> >The governor may not demand wearing masks, for the constitution does not
> reserve that right to state governors.
> No, it doesn’t. And it doesn’t have to.
> >The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,
> The federal government is not delegated the responsibility for masks.
> >nor prohibited by it to the States,
> States are not prohibited to order masks.
> >are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
> So either the State can mandate masks, or individuals can. What’s the
> issue?
> Emergency declarations trump the actual laws passed by legislative bodies
> because these legislative bodies passed laws stating that was the case. So
> technically there are laws which allow the governor to mandate this by
> fiat. And he did. So here we are.
> If he should have that right of fiat is an entirely different question.
> Move to Texas, get fined, and take it to the Supreme Court if you find it
> unconstitutional. Otherwise the constitution is an empty piece of paper.
> Personally I find the US political situation to be unsalvageable. So I try
> not to worry about it and make myself ill.
> SR Ballard
> On Jul 3, 2020, at 12:02 PM, spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *SR Ballard via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] you'll never see this again
> My state, Texas, a “red” state, has just mandated masks outdoors for
> everyone who lives in a county with more than 20 active cases. So basically
> everything except for west texas, if we’re not counting El Paso.
> With enough pressure, even the most Republican governors will do what it
> takes to get re-elected. They just have to be pushed. That’s politics as it
> currently is in the States, like it or not.
> SR Ballard
> Hi SR, you as a citizen are not legally obligated to follow the governor’s
> orders.  See Amendment 10, Bill of Rights.  What the TX governor did is
> recommend or suggest the wearing of masks.  Business owners may refuse to
> allow entry to those not wearing masks.  The governor may not demand
> wearing masks, for the constitution does not reserve that right to state
> governors.
> There is a reason why I am watching these kinds of stories very
> carefully.  It is astonishing to me when I hear how many Californians ask
> if there isn’t a law requiring me to wear a mask outdoors.  I must remind
> them that only the state legislature can pass laws, and ours didn’t, nor
> did the Texas legislature.
> A crisis is not an opportunity for a government to seize powers it does
> not have.  Orwell pointed out so very well in his classic Nineteen Eighty
> Four that if government can seize power during a crisis, it will arrange
> for a crisis and seize power.
> I love Texas.  You Texans have the best food in the entire world.  It must
> be illegal to have a restaurant with bad food there, for I never found one
> the whole time I was on business trips there.  I discovered there is no
> need to ask colleagues for good restaurants: that’s the only kind you have
> there.
> spike
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