[ExI] lag time

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Jul 4 17:20:13 UTC 2020

>..> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] lag time

On Sat, 4 Jul 2020 at 17:28, spike jones via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> >...  I am told there are some students who desperately need social interaction (nearly every day (for mental health reasons (indeed?  (why?)))) ...  I believes it but I doesn’t understands it... spike

>...Todays Dilbert is apt for us geeky types -- <https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-07-04>



Ok cool thanks BillK.  Why... is... this?

And why is it so common among engineers?

I am becoming aware from a short video I saw taken last week of a swingin nightclub in San Jose: the place was packed to the rafters.  They have a dance floor but I don't see what good it does: there was no room to dance.  I have never been to one and have no intentions of taking it up now, but this leads to an obvious question: why do some people go there, pay a lot of money, take enormous risks?  And why would that be for me a severe punishment to even be there?  In the same species, why are there both pack animals and lone wolves?

Keith, do EP offer any insights?  I am stumped on this one.

One more dimension please: there are some of us who think of ourselves as lone wolves, but we really are not: we have transitioned our social life into text on the computer.  I see that format or forum as being as good as in-person meetings, or really superior: it doesn't cost anything, there might be less risk of being misunderstood (depending on one's skill with a keyboard) it removes the body language element to which I personally am nearly blind, and... it is safer.  

On the other hand... my neighbor up the street is a teenager.  She has friends at her house nearly every day.  Her parents do not stop this, for they know she thirsts for human interaction.  Her brother isn't that way, my son isn't that way, and I don't understand why why why the heck there are introverts and extroverts.  I am all the way back to the Popeye accented comment: I sees it, I believes it, but I doesn’t understands it... 


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