[ExI] Jimmy 'the Greek' Snyder
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 14:38:26 UTC 2020
Remember him? He is famous for saying that the big strong black men you
see in the NFL came from slaveowners using their biggest, strongest slave
to impregnate all the women so as to have the biggest strongest babies. We
never heard from him again.
Some blacks said that was not racism - that was just the truth, like it or
not. So anyhow, we do have a lot of those men. So what?
So police are afraid of them. Police have fears just like anyone else.
The cop who stopped your car for speeding takes his life in his hands when
he does so, and he knows that.
So add black man to the description of the person you the cop are trying to
arrest and you have a double fear situation.
Is it racism to be more afraid of blacks? I don't think so - not for cops.
Of course that excuses nothing, but it does help explain why more force is
used on blacks than on others.
Excellent article in my paper today about demilitarizing cops and their
equipment, training cops, requiring body cameras, requiring liability
insurance for cops, and ending qualified immunity (already discussed in
Congress). Let's add 'protect and serve' and get away from 'shock and
Requiring reporting of wrong behavior by fellow cops should happen, but
that won't happen, I think.
bill w
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