[ExI] Signing your death warrant

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 16:14:39 UTC 2020

Brent Allsop <brent.allsop at gmail.com> wrote:


> I'm completely frustrated with not knowing what to do with this, or what
kind of "advanced life directive" I need.  I'm signed up with Alcor, and
expected they would provide me with one.  I asked them, probably only once,
in passing, quite a while ago, so it is probably my fault, but I am
completely frustrated that they aren't at least providing a sample one, and
telling me what is and isn't important, for Alcor to be most likely able to
do what they need to do.

That surprises me since when I signed up in 1985 an "advanced life
directive" or whatever they called it was part of the signup
paperwork.  As was a power of attorney for health care.

> Where does one go, to find a sample "advanced life directive" that is
compatible with being signed up with Alcor?
Do any of you  Alcor people out there have one?  Could I see a copy?

I have one but don't know if it is the current version.

As I recall, my directive says resuscitate until/unless Alcor is
on-site and then do whatever they ask.

I cc'ed Diane Cremeens, Director of Membership at diane at alcor.org.
She should be able to email you the current form.


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