[ExI] The professional licensure of police
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 01:56:28 UTC 2020
The only data I could find was for the whole state. $35,350. I should add
that the highway patrol has only about half the officers it should have.
We have about one patrolman per county. We are last in pay, just like we
are last in just about everything. The Republican legislators won't raise
needed taxes, and so we have roads and bridges in critical condition, worse
than most states. Their mantra seems to be to choke government until it
dies. We are regularly sued by the feds.
bill w
On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 5:28 PM SR Ballard via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> How much do police make in your area that they would need a raise?
> Here a Sheriff’s Deputy makes $50K+ and a city cop makes the same.
> SR Ballard
> On Jun 14, 2020, at 5:04 PM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Said legislation should also allow for police academies to operate as
> educational institutions that grant a unique policing degree
> equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in law enforcement with pretty much
> the same police powers that they already have. stuart
> This sounds good, but it will require a considerable increase in funds.
> And an officer with a bachelor's degree in policing will require
> considerably more salary than at present.
> Lot of places cannot afford that. bill w
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 4:05 PM Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Here is a way to fix the law-enforcement problem that the US faces by
>> professionalizing the police and bringing it into the 21st century:
>> Step 1. Defund the police. Let's face it, the system is broke. We
>> can't kick the can down the road any longer. The goal here is to put
>> policing on a level with the remainder of the criminal justice system.
>> Step 2. Pass legislation requiring police to be licensed independent
>> contractors and carry their own malpractice/liability insurance.
>> Perhaps give them some additional perks, like the ability to deputize
>> bystanders, with the cop assuming complete liability for it.
>> Said legislation should also allow for police academies to operate as
>> educational institutions that grant a unique policing degree
>> equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in law enforcement with pretty much
>> the same police powers that they already have.
>> Step 3. Hire back former police that reapply after they take a few
>> college classes provided they have good records with respect to
>> unnecessary violence.
>> That’s it in a nutshell.
>> Stuart LaForge
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