[ExI] powerful image

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 17:25:19 UTC 2020

Well hell, this one photo proves his point better than a million yakkity
words.  Good for him.  I am with him.


The only black people I have ever known in any capacity have been low class
people - laborers on the farm or at the railroad station and so on, most of
them illiterate.  I cannot speak for blacks of higher classes, but from my
limited experience I can attest that for kindness of heart they are at
least our equals.  bill w

On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:55 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Images are more powerful than words.  This one was from England, where
> there was a big BLM rally in London.  A white guy was there who was not
> part of BLM, but was injured, conked on the head, stunned, on the ground,
> clearly at risk for being trampled or attacked.  Several protestors pushed
> back the crowd and formed a protective perimeter.  A burley BLMer scooped
> him up, carried him through the angry crowd to safety, handed him over to
> the bobbies:
> The news people found the guy who carried that man out of there and
> interviewed him.  He explained that BLM isn’t there to riot, it isn’t there
> to burn or destroy property, they don’t want to fight or injure anyone,
> they are not promoting communism or capitalism or any political ism, they
> just want black people to have a fair shake.
> Well hell, this one photo proves his point better than a million yakkity
> words.  Good for him.  I am with him.
> spike
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