[ExI] kiwis keeping it real

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 18:26:10 UTC 2020

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 11:16 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> The difficulty is that with the pandemic… our needs very suddenly
> changed.  Now every meeting, eeeeevery damn meeting, during the public
> comments time, yahoos will get up and say, because of such and such, we
> need to spend THE MONEY on this and spend THE MONEY on that.  We aren’t
> allowed to interrupt the speaker but inside I am screaming THERE IS NO THE
> MONEY!  Our task is to review the plans, review the outcome, answer a
> simple question yes or no: Is this what the voters voted for?  Yes or no.
> All of these proposals violate both the letter and the spirit of the bond
> measure.  We do not have the option of spending bond measure funds on
> anything besides what the voters chose.  It isn’t a big pile of money to be
> used for the current needs, there is no THE money.
> If we could get people in general to realize this fact, the nature of
> political discourse would change for the better.

Couldn't you just, after the speaker is done, acknowledge and thank them
and comment, "Unfortunately, what you propose would be illegal for this
committee, so we can not consider it.  You would have to propose it to the
(city/county) council as a new project instead.  Next speaker."?

They're done speaking, so they can't reply.  When you give that same
response over and over again, some people might start to understand that
yours is not a useful venue for proposing alternative projects.
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